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I'm Heather.
If you…

Struggle with intense food fears and weight anxiety…

Feel powerless or ashamed about your emotional eating and body challenges…

Have tried everything to change, but nothing sticks… I can help.
Or, more specifically, I can help you help yourself.
I’m a registered dietitian, a soulful wellness guide, and the creator of the several online programs, including my signature program, Feel Better Eat Better, for women to end emotional eating and release weight without willpower or dieting.
I'm also the Skinnytaste dietitian and the co-author of the New York Times best-selling Skinnytaste cookbooks. I also spent seven years working for the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and its award-winning newsletter, Nutrition Action Healthletter.
But it’s really my journey, my experiences and my life lessons that I want to share with you...
Here's my story...
My father, who we recently lost to weight-related diseases, was obese throughout my life, and my childhood was fraught with weight worries, via my mother. She didn’t want my two sisters and me to follow in his unhealthy footsteps, so diets were a constant topic of discussion and my dad’s inability to stay on one, a never-ending source of conflict.
Food was not something to be enjoyed in my childhood home—it was something to be feared.
Paranoid about my own inevitable overweight future, I decided to study nutrition in college. I was worried about my weight, but on a deeper level, I wanted to help my father and anyone else who struggled with health and weight. But the funny thing was, the more I learned about nutrition and food, the more dysfunctional my own relationship with food became. It didn’t get better. It got much, much worse.
On the plus side, free from my family’s food influence, I started a full-blown love affair with eating.
I discovered farmers’ markets, gourmet food stores, and the world of culinary arts. Unfortunately, though, my newfound love of food was always coupled with my fear of it.
I was bingeing on all of the forbidden foods that I wasn’t allowed to have growing up, and then I was starving myself for weeks at a time. I was compulsively weighing myself, obsessively thinking about food, and using coffee and cigarettes to suppress my appetite.
Extreme dieting and subsequent bingeing was my norm, and this cycle of indulgence and deprivation was a pervasive force in my food life for the next ten years.
By the time I was a dietitian and a nutrition professional working at a well-respected non-profit health group in D.C. (the Center for Science in the Public Interest), I had, ironically, developed a seriously unhealthy relationship with food (and alcohol and drugs and myself).
But by making the changes that I share in my online programs, I was able to stop running around in self-destructive circles, and to finally start healing myself.
I stopped trying to put a band-aid on my issues and I started to face my inner fears. Because my life was ruled by fear back then. And by healing myself with love I was able to do this…
I replaced my self-loathing with acceptance, my deep-rooted fears with compassion, my guilt with forgiveness, and my self-destructive behaviors with soul-care.
I learned how to take care of myself, how to let go of my painful past, and how to treat myself with kindness and respect.
I aligned with my heart, healed my inner child and I created an entirely new reality for myself. Now, it’s over 15 years later, and my life is happier and healthier than I ever thought possible. And I’m so thrilled to share my journey and programs with you, because there is one thing I know with all of my heart and that is this…
You are worthy of
health, happiness and love.
We all are. Every single one of us.
And it doesn’t matter how many years or how many decades you have struggled, you absolutely have the power to transform your relationship with your body and with food.
You can build a happier and healthier and yes, feel-better life for yourself. I’ve done it. I’ve helped thousands of clients do it and you can do it too. We all have the power to do this.
This is a kinder, saner and easier way to improve your health, release weight and end emotional eating—an entirely NEW way.
My programs are meant for women who are ready to make real changes in their life. If you’re looking for a fast-fix or the latest fad diet, I can’t help you. But if you want freedom from your food challenges and are ready to live a more joy-filled and soul-led life—you’re in the right place.
Sign up for my FREE Emotional Eating Masterclass
Join 50,000 other women who are creating happier and healthier lives from the inside-out.
You absolutely have the power to change your relationship with food, your hunger, and your body—no dieting, restriction, or self-hate required.
Professional Bio
Heather K. Jones, R.D. is a registered dietitian, a wellness guide, and an author. Specializing in nutrition communications, weight management and behavior change therapy, Heather has spent the last 20 years empowering people who struggle with food, health and emotional eating issues.
She is the creator of several online programs, including her signature program, Feel Better Eat Better, for women to end emotional eating and transform their relationship with food, body and self. She is also the Skinnytaste dietitian, and the co-author of the New York Times best-selling Skinnytaste cookbooks.
Heather has had hundreds of articles published in healthy-living magazines, including SELF, Fitness, Good Housekeeping and more, and she has contributed to numerous health books. She also spent seven years working for the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and its award-winning newsletter, Nutrition Action Healthletter.