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What My Clients Are Saying

Heather shares a lot of insight, encouragement, and support... everything we need to realize that what we need is to simply love ourselves. Once we realize what it is that's getting in the way of our dreams and love ourselves in spite of them, we can choose... choose anything! 

I've lost about 100 lbs. That's physical weight but what I’ve gained is so much more. I know that we can't measure our self-esteem and confidence in pounds, but I gained a LOT of that too, and that is everything. 

After a lifetime of crash diet fails, I was mentally and physically in the right place, but funds were tight, however, I knew it would be worth the investment. So, I scraped and did without a few things … and this program has paid for itself many times over! 

Heather knows that until we deal with what lies within and what is behind how we eat and behave, we'll be stuck. But she has the tools and shares them in a manner that makes sense. With some inner-self work, your outer self not only takes a back seat, but it improves without the deprivation and feelings of failure that have likely followed you for years. 

In short, my life before working with Heather was about trying and failing, which lead to self hate. That person doesn't even exist anymore. I've learned to love myself and to value myself. I've been given a tool-chest of many things that I can grab from and life is a more joyful, safe, loving, and accepting place to be. The philosophies and truths are more than sustainable... they're for life!

- Debbie R.

Feel Better eat better has literally changed my life. Before this program, I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror, I thought I was broken. Today I don’t even recognize the woman who I am—my confidence has soared and I am a much, much happier and healthier person.

And the weight is falling off, because Heather taught me how to love myself and how to enjoy the journey. I’m so grateful for her, beyond words. If you desire true change, I would absolutely recommend this program! 

- Nicole C. 

I’m almost one month into THE PROGRAM and it is the GREATEST thing I have ever done for myself.

This program is helping me become the absolute best version of myself. You have complete changed my life in just the last few weeks! I cannot recommend working with Heather enough.

The women in the Inner Circle are just wonderful. We are there for one another, cheer each other on and are there to listen. If you are ready for this step in your life, I cannot recommend this enough.

- Elizabeth E. 

Working my way through the Feel Better Eat better modules has been like digging into this incredible treasure chest packed full of wisdom, truth and insight. It's helped me to become so much more mindful and aware of the issues behind the extra weight—I am no longer the victim in my own story!

I wish I could grab a snapshot of my mental before/after! It's remarkable to think about where I was a year ago. I debated for months on joining the Inner Circle and I am so glad that I did!

Now that I have identified and started to break down some of those limiting beliefs that kept me stuck, I am finally able to enthusiastically make those healthier, nourishing food choices that I quite frankly resisted for so long.

The beautiful, amazing thing is that I am changing from the inside out... and those are the changes that stick. Heather is the real deal, and I LOVE this journey!

- Kristie B.

This INSIDE-OUT approach has taught me to change my view on ‘dieting.’ NO MORE DIETS EVER! This is a lifestyle and lifelong journey of loving myself and keeping myself healthy. This has been huge. (I didn’t believe it at first.) 

This approach transcends weight loss or getting skinny. This isn’t about just reaching a goal weight. This program applies to relationships, self-care, tackling false beliefs I have picked up throughout my life, and so much more. 

This isn’t a diet or a quick fix. This is digging deep and changing how you fundamentally approach health. I would highly recommend it if you are ready!

- Jessica G.

Working with heather has completely changed my view of myself, my life, those around me and what balanced eating means. While I’ve lost weight, much more importantly, I have more inner peace, acceptance, love and courage inside myself than I ever thought possible. 

I’m living a happier life now, practicing self-care and not letting fear hold me back. It’s been so much fun enjoying food again, being adventurous and saying yes to social engagements. I’m so glad I’m on this journey with Heather’s wisdom, guidance and tools.

- Sherrie H.

Before Working with Heather, I was SO angry at myself for not being able to ‘figure it out,’ and even questioned whether it was even worth it to try (or really, whether I, myself, was worth it). I couldn’t understand how I could want something so much, and yet continue to do almost everything opposite of what I needed to do.

One of the best things that has happened is that I have given myself permission to like myself and to enjoy my life, no matter what size I happen to be. It has given me more confidence in myself than I have had in my entire life. EVER. Learning to trust myself has been the biggest change in my life. That and the realization that I will survive any failures I may have.

Since the beginning, I’m down over 25 pounds. To be at my healthiest weight, I have another 50 or 60 to go, but I’ve taken the pressure off of myself to be perfect and to lose that ‘2 lbs a week’ or whatever the measure of success is. THAT is what was keeping me from losing 60 pounds, then gaining 70, then losing 50 then gaining… I’m happier than I’ve ever been, and the weight is still coming off.

- Danette P.

Your program has absolutely changed my life in a trillion ways. I never thought that I could change. I’ve tried every diet, every exercise program… I’ve tried all of them and I just thought I was a lifetime yo-yo dieter until I met your program... Now, I never diet, I never count calories, I always stay thin - my mind is blown!

- Renea Christine

I started off really strong and lost about 40 pounds. I sleep better, I’m a happier person, and a more positive person.

- Nicole Cervantes

The Feel Better Eat Better program has turned several decades of self destructive behavior and emotional eating on it's head!

- Rachel O.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm no longer in the obese range, and I'm loving toward myself, and the enthusiasm is affecting all other areas in my life. I'm just thankful.

- Kristina Western

I've lost 20 pounds, and it's great that I've lost the weight, but I don't feel like that's the biggest takeaway. My weight is no longer deciding how I live my life... there's more freedom and more possibility. Feel Better Eat Better changed my life!

- Jennifer Bates

Feel Better Eat Better has helped me release so much stress and I was able to move forward in a way that was being gentle with myself. It has allowed me to maintain a 30 pound weight loss. This is the program that will change everything.

- Cherie Ambrosino

For the last several decades I have hated my body and to say I was lacking self confidence would be an amazing understatement. Every day I woke up saying...this is going to be the day. The day I say no to food and finally stop emotionally eating. 

Of course, every day I disappointed myself, which continuously made me feel as though I was a failure.

Working with Heather has turned several decades of self destructive behavior and emotional eating on it's head!

Every morning I wake up KNOWING instead of hoping it will be a great day. I have learned to love the body I have and be thankful for every day I am given. I am more confident, joyful and loving to myself and others. I believe in myself. I feel powerful!

Food is no longer something to be scared of, measured, restricted, rewarded, sneaked, or scarfed. Food is to be enjoyed and no food is off limits. I eat calmly and stop when I am full. I enjoy the treats of life but mostly the foods that keep my body strong and healthy and my taste buds happy.

- Rachel O.

If you are wondering whether or not you should join Feel Better Eat Better, just do it! If the free information resonated with you, you will NOT be disappointed in the full program.

I’ve lost 20 pounds, but the most important, I’ve keep it off. And, my blood pressure is like a teenagers, according to my MD, and my cholesterol dropped 10 points. But, more than the numbers, I’m much more at peace and able to handle things that come up.

Instead of brooding over things with a caramel macchiato and a bag of M&Ms, the tools Heather teaches have helped me learn to process and work though things in a healthy way. 

Heather is open and genuine and shares her struggles and how she uses the process. You’ll feel like you have both a mentor and a friend.

- Bethie S.

Being a member of Feel Better Eat Better for over a year now, my life has changed so much. I never ever thought I could feel relaxed, good, safe, satisfied, ... with myself. I never expected to get out of that dark depressing place, I lived in for years (almost all my life). 

But during this course, a miracle happened. I slowly started to feel and see who I really was, underneath all those false conditioned beliefs, underneath all the fear and doubts, underneath the me who wanted to please everyone, so they would like me and accept me, I’m so grateful for this course and I cannot thank Heather K. Jones enough for what she did for me! 

- Gloria M.

Before FEEL BETTER EAT BETTER, I felt lost, stuck in my life. I had done so many weight loss plans and nothing stuck—I knew there had to be something better out there. I was fearful when I first joined. ‘Would this be another thing I failed?’

I don’t say this lightly—but truly feel this program changed my life. It taught me to feel my feelings instead of eat them. It allowed me to go through inner work to change my mindset around weight loss, to learn what was truly holding me back.

I now see food differently. After doing the inner work, I now eat food that nourishes my body (and want to!), and if I’m subconsciously eating unhealthy, I pause and notice the behavior. What’s bothering me? What’s changed?

When you eat like this, the weight then falls off. I have lost 20 pounds so far, but no longer weigh myself. I see weight differently and no longer care about the number. 

Best of all is how this program has helped me to have a better-feeling life. I now have a new job I am extremely passionate about! And most of all, I know I am constantly a work in progress and exactly where I need to be. I love this journey I am on thanks to Heather.

- Amy H.

FEEL BETTER EAT BETTER is amazing! I joined for the weight loss, but I feel like I have unlocked my ‘better life.’

My stress has decreased by 99% and it’s thanks to this program, ergo my stress eating is virtually non-existent now too. I don’t have any more forbidden foods or guilty meals or binges because nothing is off limits, I’m not on a diet—and I never will be again in my life!

I can’t believe I’m going to say this one, too, because it’s a HUGE one for me—I’m craving healthy foods!

This program teaches you how to be one of those miraculous people who you look at and wonder where/how they got what they have. It’s not a quick fix, it’s not a Band-Aid, but it is epic, and earth-shattering, and mind-altering, and one of the best choices I’ve made for myself.

- Rosalind K.

Weight is a funny thing, because in actuality, the way to control it is quite simple: good nutrition + exercise. But for almost every overweight person, I’m betting there is some hurt, some sadness, that is numbed out or softened by food.

But truly, forget all of those expensive pills and books and plans. The real secret to lasting weight loss, is learning how to love and believe in yourself. Because once you do, you will be UNSTOPPABLE.

– Kate G.

I've lost about 100 pounds (no diet; clean eating & a healthy lifestyle change). That's physical weight, but what I’ve gained is so much more. I know that we can't measure our self-esteem and confidence in pounds, but I gained A LOT of that too, and that is EVERYTHING. Feel Better Eat Better has paid for itself many times over!

- Debbie O’Riley

The biggest difference is that Feel Better Eat Better really gets to the root of why I overate. This program has absolutely changed my life.

- Nicole Borkoski

Feel Better Eat Better has been the most life changing think I have done, maybe in my entire adult life. This a holistic, whole person, love centered approach to weight loss that I have not seen anywhere else.

- Danielle Cox

My biggest result with Feel Better Eat Better has been in my self-confidence, my self-esteem, the love that I have for myself that I didn't have before the program.

- Kelly McKinney

After Feel Better Eat Better, I feel better about myself and since I'm more compassionate with myself, I can be more compassionate with others. I'm not hiding, kind of hunched over. I stand better and sit better because I feel better.

- Elizabeth Cheron

Feel Better Eat Better immediately took the pressure off of everything I was going through. It made me really learn to love myself a lot more. I don't feel stuck in that victim mentality. I lost 10 pounds. I feel like everything in my life is better.

- Jen Farley

After Feel Better Eat Better, I feel lighter on an emotional level. It has taken away the guilt around food and now I feel good when I eat. I have reconciled with my past and I am very content with who I am and I'm just happy.

- Dena Suttz

Feel Better Eat Better helped me work on co-dependency issues. It helped me make peace with not taking things so personally. I gave myself permission to do what I love which is now the podcast and food photography. When I made that switch, I lost 25 pounds.

-Beth Fuller

If you are on the fence about Feel Better Eat Better, DO IT! You've tried everything else, and look, if shaming yourself into losing weight hasn't worked, why not try a different way?

- Kristie Burch

I feel like I was given the keys to be the driver of my own health journey. This program is about so much more than food. It’s a true lifestyle change that’s sustainable. If you’re done dieting and you’re ready to invest in yourself, there is not a better choice than Feel Better Eat Better.

- Jessica Goodrich

Feel Better Eat Better changed everything! The shift in perspective about how to approach weight loss was HUGE. It felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders and each realization further lightened the burden I was carrying around.

I have gained incredible amounts of self-confidence and have started doing things I would have never even contemplated six months ago.

Before taking this program, I felt stuck and miserable and hopeless. Now I am actually living my life rather than continuing to watch it spin by. Dieting is no longer my hobby! Heather is so kind and patient and generous, Feel Better Eat Better has truly been an invaluable experience.

I would recommend this program to anyone without hesitation, particularly to those who feel stuck and want to enjoy life again!

- Frances C.

Feel Better Eat Better has helped me in all aspects of my life. I would highly recommend this program, especially to anyone who has struggled with weight and body image issues over a long period of time.

Now I start with the underlying issues first and work my way back to address how to handle the specifics, as opposed to just following some diet without thinking it through. Understanding the “why” before addressing the “how” changed everything.

The cost was my main hesitation in joining Feel Better Eat Better, but I can tell you this: It’s worth the money!

This program helped me take back my power. I’ve been told I’m “sparkling” lately, and I am feeling STRONG, inside and out. I’ve lost the weight and have maintained that loss for 3 months so far.

- Glenda A.

In Feel Better Eat Better, you start from the emotional end and work forward, instead of starting with nutrition and eating. This takes the pressure off and allows you to focus on addressing the real issues first.

I think there are a lot of people out there who are well-educated regarding food and nutrition, but there is something else holding them back. Feel Better Eat Better will help you find out what that is—at least it did for me. 

I would recommend this program for anyone having difficulty dealing with the emotional side of eating. Also for anyone who is trying to figure out why you do what you do with food, and if you struggle with negative self-image or low self-esteem.

- Kimberly B.

As a Brit in the U.K., I worried about whether Feel Better Eat Better would be too 'American' for me. Would I get it and would it be right for me? I needn't have worried! The program suits anyone, and the women in the group come from all over the world - our issues are all the same, we are sisters from other mothers. 

The program is not restrictive dieting—it’s self-care and self-love that really bring us to where we want to be, and I am now seeing a big difference in myself. Before Feel Better Eat Better I was drinking too much, which lead to bad food choices (and other bad choices I would rather not mention). I was overweight and very unhappy with my body and my life.

Since joining the program I have dropped almost 30 pounds and am alcohol free! I am healthier and happier than I have been for a long, long time. As a result of the inner work, I understand myself a lot better, and I am starting to love and respect myself, which in turn has resulted in self-care, weight loss and a much healthier lifestyle.

I think things come into your life for a reason, Feel Better Eat Better came into mine and if you are reading this, it has obviously come into yours! My advice is grab it, it is meant to be and you my dear, are definitely worth it!

- Lynne P. 

I have struggled with weight forever. Up and down, active and not, successful and not. But why? That's what Feel Better Eat Better is helping me with - I can SEE what is causing me to backtrack, to treat my body in a way that doesn't align with my goals. I'm making positive changes out of a desire to meet my goals without feeling fear of failure, self-criticism etc., and I can be gentle and loving with myself even when I'm NOT making great choices.

I hesitated joining the program because of the cost, and I wondered was it too 'fuzzy' or out there. It's not - it's PRICELESS and it's so approachable and clear.  

If you're even considering Feel Better Eat Better, just do it. You will not regret it!

- Cherie Z.

I was attracted to this program because it was SO different—I’ve tried every diet out there and I’ve failed at them all. This program has truly change my life. I’m a completely different person. 

- Danielle C. 

Thanks to Feel Better Eat Better I managed to lose 20 pounds before my wedding, which is a huge feat for me. And the best part is that I did it in the healthiest way possible! I love the ladies in the Inner Circle, and am so thankful for all the support I get from this group. I am grateful for this program each and every day.

- Katie R. 

Because of Feel Better Eat Better I hit some kind of sweet spot with my eating, respecting and loving myself and putting myself first. I am making good and tasty food choices and dropping the weight. No diets, I will eat this way forever!

- Lynn E. 

I've lost just about 20 pounds without dieting, by finally being able to control my emotional eating. I'm so excited and thankful for Feel Better Eat Better!

- Adrienne W. 

Before this program, I was at a low point in my life and very frustrated with my lack of control with my eating habits. I was truly scared that there was no hope for becoming healthy. I knew I was using food as a way to cope with stress, but I didn’t know how to change this. Thank you, Heather, for teaching me how to love myself, and for showing me that I can really ENJOY food and still lose weight!

- Gwen C.

I lost 35 pounds because of Feel Better Eat Better, and I'm doing quite well and am so thankful!

- Lynne W. 

The biggest hesitation I had starting Feel Better Eat Better was simply being afraid I'd fail or that it wouldn't be worth my time and energy.

I wanted a fast "do this, don’t do this" program. I realize these fears were really more about lack of trust with myself than with this program.

As I've learned more and more about trusting myself and how to listen to what I need (vs following a bunch of rules made by others), I've begun to see that the inner work is KEY to what shows up on the outside.

When I notice that I'm eating things that aren't good for me and my body, I now know to pause and reflect on what else is going on that I might be ignoring.

Before Heather's plan came along, I was virtually immobilized with pain from inflammation and carrying too much weight. I gained the courage and self-acceptance to make changes that helped me lose 80 pounds.

When I'm taking good care of my stress levels and emotions, I don't even crave the same foods I do when I'm highly stressed. I've learned that I can make healthy choices. That's empowering!

I still have areas to improve when it comes to my “head-talk” and self-care. Even so, I'm enjoying more food freedom than ever and more times than not, I choose healthy, fresh foods—because I like them and prefer them! 

- Stephanie R.

Professional Endorsements

Learning how to love yourself and respect your body is an essential part of healthy living, and Heather will help you do exactly that. She is dedicated to helping people to succeed and she will help you transform your mindset about dieting to achieve weight loss freedom. Her programs are for anyone who wants a happier and healthier relationship with food!

- Gina Homolka, Creator of and New York Times Best Seller

Registered dietitian Heather K. Jones is about as real and compassionate as you can get.

I love her message and her inside-out approach to weight-loss and wellness—it's flawless!

- Andie Mitchell, author of the New York Times Best Selling memoir, It Was Me All Along

Heather’s heart-centered advice and smart “been there” solutions will help you to start living, thinking, and eating with meaningful purpose. It’s the perfect blend of self-exploration, self-love, and compassionate action so you can start living BIG. Heather will help you break free from the fears, habits and beliefs that no longer serve you, and unlock the secrets to long-term success.

- Danielle Omar, Registered Dietitian & Integrative Nutritionist

Heather is one of the most authentically kind and genuine people I know, and her programs are a game-changer in the world of weight loss. They are unlike anything anyone’s ever done before and it’s an approach I highly recommend and stand behind. Anyone who’s lucky enough to work with Heather will walk away with the tools they need to make their changes truly stick.”

- Corinne Dobbas, Registered Dietitian & Wellness Coach

Sign up for my free Emotional Eating Masterclass

Join 50,000 other women who are creating happier and healthier lives from the inside-out.
You absolutely have the power to change your relationship with food, your hunger, and your body—no dieting, restriction, or self-hate required.